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Do You Need to Update Your Parenting Plan?

Do You Need to Update Your Parenting Plan?

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Not many things in life stay the same. As such, sometimes, parenting plans need to be updated. The courts allow updates under several different circumstances. If you need to update yours, it’s best to get the legal advice of a trusted family attorney

The year 2020 brought many changes for nearly everyone. For divorced or never-married parents, these changes might necessitate an update to their parenting plan. Perhaps there are job changes, moves, school schedules, or other changed circumstances that warrant a modification to child custody and visitation schedules. Sometimes updating a parenting plan is simple, and other times it can become quite complicated. It’s best to start with the services of a skilled Huntsville family lawyer when you know you need to make changes to your current parenting arrangements.

Are Updates Allowed?

Alabama family courts do allow changes to parenting plans. However, the requesting parent must show good reason as to why an update is needed. There are many factors to consider, including what kind of changes occurred to necessitate an update. You will need to provide evidence of a significant change in circumstance, such as:

  1. The non-custodial parent moved closer to the other parent
  2. The non-custodial parent’s work schedule has changed
  3. One parent wishes to relocate 
  4. The custodial parent is neglectful, abusive, or unreliable
  5. The child wants to spend more time with the non-custodial parent

Talk to Your Child’s Other Parent

The first step you should take is to talk with your child’s other parent. If your relationship is cordial, you might be able to work out a new agreement between yourselves. Approach them politely with your needs and the reasons as to why you need to update your parenting plan. If you’re able to agree on the necessary updates, your Huntsville family attorney can help you get approval from the court. Remember that your agreement is not enforceable until it gets court approval. 

Seek Help from the Court

If you and your child’s other parent are unable to work out the specifics of a new parenting plan or you know it won’t go over well to try to talk to them, you’ll need the court’s help as well as representation from an experienced Huntsville family lawyer. A family court judge will have the final say in if changes should be made and what those changes should be. They will ensure that your child’s best interests are the priority in whatever new arrangements are made. 

Let a Huntsville Family Lawyer Help You Update Your Parenting Plan 

Whether your parenting plan was recently created or has been in effect for several years, childcare issues are some of the most critical issues you will ever face. The laws and procedures for updating your parenting plan can be complicated. You don’t want to take any chances when it comes to your child. We are here to help. Schedule your consultation with an experienced Huntsville family attorney by calling Cloud, Ryan & Rouse at 256-801-1000 or using our convenient online contact form.

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